Their is beauty in everything we see in the world. It can be outer beauty or beauty from within. It's what we do with that beauty that matters. Come learn how to age gracefully and with a big smile on your face when you get complimented.
11 Secret Tips On How To Receive Compliments At Any Age
“Wow” I look amazing! Let me Start by saying age is just a number. We are as young as we feel. When I turned 40, I thought it was the end of the world. It wasn’t until I started getting many compliments from people on how young I looked is when I realized age is just a number and I really must look good! lol. I started evaluating my daily routine & habits and this is what I came up. I have not stopped since. These are my 14 secret tips on how to receive compliments at any age.
Secret #1- Get Plenty of sleep! We all need at last 8 hrs of sleep, but if possible sleep 9-10 hrs. I would go to bed at 10pm and wake at 8am. So my cells were rejuvenated and I was also loosing calories as I slept. Too little sleep can hamper your metabolism and cause some weight gain!
Secret #2- Water! Drink water all day long. If water bores you, you can add flavored crystal light.
Secret #3- Glowing Skin! Stay away from the sugar and alcohol substances ladies! Soda pops, beer & candy have a lot of sugar in them and sugar is bad for the skin. So lets have some alternative options such as pretzels, carrots or crystal light water.
Secret#4- Stress & Worry! We all know that stress is a killer and is bad on the mind, body and soul. Stress & worry will cause you anguish and wrinkles! You will also get bags under your eyes and stay less focused. Remedy: Pray more and walk away from arguments. Let it go, eventually it will come to pass and tomorrow will be better.
Secret #5- Optimism! Stay the course and remain positive in all you do. Do not let words or actions from other people bring you down.
Secret #6-Wear vibrant colors such as yellow, pink or blue. These colors are high vibration colors and will effect your mood in a positive way and make you and the people around you happy. 🙂
Secret #7- Match your purse with your outfit. You can also have a matching headband. When your put together well, you feel better and more confident. You will draw people to you because of your attitude.
Secret #8- Smile like there is no tomorrow! Your energy will be off the wall and people feel others peoples energies. So Let that light shine girl!
Secret #9-Intellect! Have a intelligent conversation when meeting someone for the first time. You will surely leave them mesmerized on how much you know, especially on trending topics.
Secret #10-Pray & meditate! I can’t stress enough on my blog posts how important this is! Make a habit to do these two together every morning! Your day will go smooth and be less stressful, making you look vibrant and young because you will be glowing!
Secret #11-Be grateful and vision your tomorrows during your nighttime prayers. Vision how exceptional you want your day to be and act grateful for it in advance. Do this daily and see what happens! Believe and you will receive! Now, that’s POWERFUL!
12 Things Empowering Woman Do Everyday
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P. BLAKE Stainless Steel Dog Tag Cross Necklace
I would like to share with you the twelve things empowering woman do everyday to feel good and empowered and what it means to be a woman of today. These steps help me hold myself accountable with my family and friends on a higher level. If I’m happy and healthy, then I can take care of the bigger picture which is my family and future. In no order, here they are:
- Wake up feeling grateful for everything in your life, even when it seems like your life is a hot mess. Your higher power hears and feels you.
- Look in the mirror and say a few positive affirmations about yourself out loud. I say at least 10 ex: I am healthy, I am going to have an amazing day, I am loved…etc..
- Make your bed up pretty so when its time to go to bed, you can rest assured you’ll have sound sleep. Clutter makes a cluttered mind.
- Keep a daily routine and stick with it.
- keep your notepad or journal next to you at all times, this way when you have a creative idea or inspiration you can immediately write it down!
- Stay hydrated and fueled with healthy snacks throughout the day. I drink ZICO Natural 100% cocunut 4 days a week, coconut water by far is my favorite!
- Listen to high vibration music that resonates with your soul and lifts you up.
- Give a compliment to someone and genuinely mean it.
- Make sure your hands and toe nails are painted pretty. It just makes you feel feminine and beautiful. I manicure my own nails, so I don’t have to pay so much at the nail salon. You can also switch the look up whenever you like!
- Do at least 1 you tube pilates/workout video, even if its for 10 minutes. A little goes a long way and it makes you feel good. Try to fit it in your schedule at least 3 x’s a week.
- Put on your favorite outfit and take some selfies.
- Set your intention for the next day and pray and meditate on it. If you make a habit of doing all or a few of these things on a daily basis, you will see how easy it is! You will start to feel good about yourself. Try them or add your own list. The key is repetition!