
  • Lifestyle

    10 Easy Ways to Become Holiday Ready without the hustle.

    The Holidays are here and The Barbell household is already decorating! These are 10 easy ways I have learned though the years to become Holiday ready without the hustle. It has also put more money in my pocketbook too!

    1. Stock up on decorations from Dollar General and discounted items from the Thrift store. You can find some amazing deals and nice items up for sale that are in mint condition. I also shop and stock up after the Holidays at Target or Home goods and get beautiful discounted decorations.
    2. Plan early-start your holiday shopping in August or September, this way you can be prepared for Halloween. The kids will be excited to start and your hubby will be grateful your planning and saving!
    3. Start cleaning each room little by little and organize, this way when its time to set up the decorations, it wont look like a tornado came through! (I learned this the hard way!)
    4. Start putting scented candles throughout the house and buying scented air fresheners (especially in the bathroom for guests)
    5. If you plan on traveling for the holidays-start preparing your travel arrangements in advance. If you book early enough chances are it will be less to travel. This includes flights, hotels and cars. If your a Costco member you can get vehicle rentals on discount!
    6. If you plan on cozying up with your family on cold nights, make sure your fireplace has enough gas to ignite and or firewood because appointments get booked up and firewood goes fast. (I also learned this the hard way!) Don’t wait till the last minute!
    7. Start communicating with your family about possible gift ideas in advance this way there’s no hurt feelings if you didn’t get what you anticipated and get a pair of socks instead. It’s the thought that counts of course, but communication is important because we can not read minds!
    8. If you plan on going out for holiday dinner somewhere, make reservations 2 months in advance because seats go super fast! (I also learned this the hard way!) haha.
    9. Start saving money now and putting it aside for the holidays, ladies skip the extras like Starbucks or getting your hair and nails done. It’s okay to be frugal every now and then because you are still beautiful. You can make your own Starbucks drinks like pumpkin spice latte and paint your own nails.
    10. Last but least, raise the vibration level and energy in your home. Put some holiday music on and pray together as a family. We are all busy in our lives but take the time to cherish the precious moments especially during this time in 2020 and because the years go by so fast and let’s face it, the holidays are somewhat stressful so having a happy home is crucial.

    It is with age that I have learned so many things and gained wisdom. What I thought was important to me back then was just a phase I went through. Now I cherish family more and who I am growing in Christ. If you have any other ways to tackle the Holiday season, drop me a line and let me know. I’m always looking to make my load lighter!

  • Lifestyle

    My Top 8 Secrets Of Getting People To Like You

    It’s really simple and not rocket science to get people to genuinely like you for who you are. In this post, I will share my top 8 secrets of what it takes to get people to like you. Here are the techniques I use when I meet someone for the first time and therefore after. In no particular order:

    1. I smile and give them my full undivided attention, I let them speak about themselves first, unless I am asked about my interests. You see, people like talking about themselves and if you just listen wholeheartedly, this will enable them to feel good about themselves and you were the person to listen without interruption.
    2. When speaking to someone, say their name and look them straight in the eyes and genuinely mean what you are saying with conviction. Don’t look around or get distracted. This will make it seem like you are fake and not meaning what you are saying or disinterested in their company.
    3. Also, when speaking and starting a conversation I have a tendency of smiling as I speak. This gives the other person self-worth because they feel your enjoying their company.
    4. Ask them questions about themselves-be inquisitive (curious) This will let them talk more about themselves and their interests. I tend to be an inquisitive person when meeting someone for the first time.
    5. Find something you like about them physically or mentally and then give a nice compliment and mean it. Be lavish in your praise.
    6. Try to add value to them in any way you can. It could be by giving them some advice or lending a helping hand with something OR even buying them lunch or dinner. Be generous.
    7. Be kind and respectful, let them lead the way. When they want to be in charge, let them be the leader.
    8. Leave them better then when you met them. They will remember how you made them feel. This is very important. We all want to be accepted and appreciated and when we can lift one another up and do it with love….that surpasses them all!

    I hope you got value out of my top 8 secrets of getting people to like you. After a while, you will learn to do these naturally. It is when you act upon it with love and expect nothing in return, is when you will attract people to you. Pure love.