Spiritual Journey
Life is a spiritual Journey that is constantly evolving and helping us to discover our true destiny and why we are here. We are greater then ourselves and its when we soon realize all the potential we truly hold. We can do anything we set our mind to, their are no limits.
I Craved for Love in People, Places and Things
I always seem to have a smile on my face don’t I? Like I have it all together. Some days are better then others, and most days are great! I seek comfort in people, because they make me smile and laugh. I seek places that are entertaining because it gets me out of my rut of boredom, and I look for things because it fills my home with newness and spontaneity. All three of these things have only brought me temporary happiness.
After the death of my husband, life started to slowly get back to normal. I was taking it one day at a time. Everywhere I looked and the things I did would remind me of him on a daily basis, to the point where I remodeled a majority of my home so things would be new and fresh instead of all those memories we shared together in our home. I took several trips to escape with the girls and that was good in the beginning but it eventually became dull every time I would return home and start my daily routines. The music, clothes and certain foods and scents all brought the memories back. It wasn’t that I wanted to forget my husbands memory, but I missed his presence! It was too much to handle. It was a constant struggle. I decided I would go out and mingle and meet people, well that was fun in the beginning too, until that no longer satisfied me either. I then decided to pour all of me into my business, health and family. It worked! I kept my body and mind busy….I started to see the change in my attitude and body. I had a reason to get up every morning feeling happy and grateful.
The things that have filled me up the most have been family & God through prayer, meditation and selfless actions. My intentions are well but I always seem to strive for perfection. I am all but perfect! For those who know me, know that I can be a handful and unpredictable at times. I can also be your best friend who will except and love you unconditionally. I am a motivator and like to lift people up because we all have so much potential, light and love to give. I still have a long way to go with my soul searching but I do know that I will continue striving to be the best version of myself. I will never stop. The hand that has created me has never let go, he is still here guiding and I trust him with every fiber of my being.
15 Habits I Do Everyday For A Successful Marriage
“I, Margo take thee, Paul to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I pledge thee my faith Hi Ladies. These are 15 habits that I do everyday for a successful marriage. I have learned these over the years from experience and from my mom who is an angel and has a very successful marriage! It didn’t start out this way even though I tried, but it has been mastered over the years and I am still growing and learning. In no particular order, here they are:
- I wake and greet him with a smile and happy demeanor. I let him know I am grateful for another day with him.
- I show affection and am very lovable. I always tell him how cute he is and how much I appreciate him for what he does for the family.
- I make his breakfast and smoothie and take it to him while he works. I know he’s busy and concentrating so the less interruption for him, the better.
- I give him his space and let him unwind without asking too much or nagging him to do something. ( I wait for the weekend for that!) haha.
- I am a good hostess when his friends come over for football and make them food to munch on. I also give him his space too so he can have quality time with his friends. (just the guys)
- When he’s in a bad mood, I leave him alone until he cools off. If I’m moody, I stay away because I do not want to say or do something irrational.
- I keep the house clean, organized and stocked up on food so we do not lack anything.
- I feed him, give him snacks or offer tea/coffee throughout the day. I sometimes surprise him with a tasty snack and that makes him happy.
- I contribute to household bills, dinners and groceries this way he is not overburdened.
- When we both are not busy working on our projects, I give him my time and we snuggle and watch Netflix together.
- I love to be silly and that makes him laugh and we both end up being silly together.
- I usually let him have the last word because it is not worth fighting over and that makes me mentally stronger when you can actually give in. haha.
- If something upsets him I ask him if he wants to talk about it. If it’s something petty, I don’t bring it up and we both eventually get over it.
- We Pray together and I am usually the one to lead or remind him and that’s okay because we are both getting better at it!
- We go to bed at different times, but I never forget to kiss him goodnight, tell him I love him and leave him either laughing or cozy and warm.
Ultimately, at the end of the day good or bad (more good then bad) we still have each other and have learned to forgive. We choose what battles we want to conquer and most of the time they are not worth stressing over. It is with many years of experience that we have grown to accept one another’s behaviors, likes and dislikes and to take it with a grain of salt. The grass is not always greener on the other side. As time goes on, I know we both will gain more wisdom and continue to be an excellent example to our children Amber, Serena and Athena. <3
Wedding @ Queens Harbor Yacht & Country Club Cayman Islands Honeymoon