Covid Concerns 101 Homeschool OR Classroom?

As the school season is rapidly approaching, have you thought about if your going to have your kids home schooled or send them back to school? Will it be homeschool or classroom? This is a Covid concern for many parents like myself. If yes, what proper protocols are you going to take to make your children stay healthy and happy? This has been scrambling in my mind for around a week already. Will the Corona get worse or better? I wish I knew the answer! My children want to go back to school on rotating days but I’m not so sure. Will the school administration be on top of things for the children’s safety? Will the kids be mindful and keep their masks on or wash their hands? many questions. Lets face it, we were kids once and we know how it feels to not be around our peers. I’m doing some evaluating right now and weighing the pros and cons.
Safety Precautions
One important rule is to stay at least 6 feet apart and wash your hands throughout the day if possible. They could if allowed, carry their own mini sanitizer bottles and store in their backpacks. By all means, if your child is not feeling well, please do not send them to school. Instead wait until they are feeling a lot better with no temperature. Also, try and wash their cloth masks once a week or get rid of their disposable ones. Have your child write up a to do list a week before school starts on what they can do to make sure they are safe in school. This will help make an impression in their mind and remind them when they are actually in school. So which will it be? homeschool or classroom? Whatever you decide to do, as a parent you did your best! At the end of the day, as long as my children are happy and healthy I can feel assured I did my best! If anything, you can bring out your child’s personality and get fashionable masks! That will certainly put a smile on their faces.