Let me begin by saying..Welcome to my blog Powerful by Margo Barbell. I am grateful you are here. The purpose for this blog is to enlighten you with my blog posts and hopefully inspire and motivate you to live your very best life possible. I want to share with you my spiritual awakening. These last few weeks since I have been back from South Florida have been intense! I went from carefree silly Margo to motivated-don’t stop dreaming Margo. I have always been a positive person but seemed to get distracted a lot. My frame of mind-(mindset) went from a level 5 to a level 10 in a matter of days. I feel as a shift (change) has occurred and I find myself being guided on a daily basis from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. I see myself acting like the person I want to actually become. I’m thinking positive thoughts and eating healthier which is improving my overall health. I’m being more patient and considerate and showing more love. I no longer want to do the things that I thought made me happy. Now, I find myself wanting to emerge in gaining knowledge and applying it to my own life and I want to show you how you can do it too. Have you ever felt this way with a spiritual awakening? My eyes have been opened on what the true meaning of life really is and I couldn’t be more grateful. I know it must be something bigger then ourselves that is creating this “new me” My passion has become my obsession and I am improving on it with each passing day. Once I made the decision to stay committed, the rest followed and I am excited to continue this journey of self discovery.