Fruit or Healthy Green Veggie Smoothies?
As soon as I have my first cup of coffee and I am done with my morning rituals…I’m off to the magic bullet to prepare my breakfast smoothie. My recipe for an outstanding smoothie consist of Spinach, Green apple (seeds and all) which has protein in them. 1 banana, (frozen is better) celery, almond or oat milk, and ice. I also like adding ginger. So many options to choose from! Which do you choose sweet Fruit or healthy green Veggie smoothies? Take a look here…
So which is better? All fruits or all veggies or a mixture of both? In my opinion, I prefer the mixture of both because it gives it a natural sweet taste! Frozen fruit is fantastic! You can also add chia or flax seeds and if your not a vegan…honey! If you prefer spice…Cayenne pepper! ouch! I’ve tried it with this and it’s tasty, not to mention hot. Fresh Veggies are better in a smoothie too. I usually feel elevated and have my engine running after I have my breakfast smoothie and the magic bullet is amazing! I prefer the magic bullet rather then using a blender. It’s small in size so you can take it on holiday with no hassle and it makes great purees!
I work from home so it is essential I plan 15 minutes or so to make my smoothie drink to have energy throughout my busy day. I also have three other mouths that want one as well, and they all have different taste buds! If you have any outstanding smoothies you would like to share, I would love to listen on what you put in yours to get you through your day? Let’s chat.
I use my Magic Bullet and it works so good and its super easy to clean. How Are You Coping With Covid-19?
How are you coping with Covid-19? What seemed liked an easy process in the beginning, Covid-19 slowly started to become cumbersome. I have to honestly say that in the beginning when the virus just started getting notoriety, I was actually happy that we had to stay indoors. Juggles and multitasking became my first and middle name. Fast forward 2 months later…OMG! Is it over yet? With the kids being home schooled and their constant bickering…I was getting tired, and not to mention my time was limited to do what I needed to do.
Survival Mode
Now, I am doing better and having more patience and taking the necessary steps to make sure my family and I are safe and healthy. One thing to do is make sure you stock up on plenty of groceries and household items such as candles, hand sanitizer, shampoo and conditioner, tissue and the like. Healthy options for food if possible. You never know if the government decides to keep us home and temporarily close grocery stores One important factor to be considered during all of this is to be mindful and have a supply of masks, gloves and vitamins. If your like me, my masks always seem to disappear into thin air. lol. Girls, Have u seen my masks? No, mom! hmmm..I’m not so sure. Gloves are also useful, so we do not touch all those icky surfaces! Did I mention vitamins? I give my family Vitamin C, D and E to build their immune systems up!
Family Bonding Time
One thing I did learn from all this was to never take one another for granted. Even though I had my hands full and continue to stay busy, I would not trade it in for the world. I was able to connect with my family spirits on a new level. We were there for every wants and needs. That’s something you cant take away, the special bond of a family. We were also in one anothers hair and that wasn’t pretty either! lol When it was time to relieve some stress, we played the Wii and Just Dance 2 together. We did many things together such as baking, exercising, and board games. An everyday ritual of ours was walking Sophia our pit bull in the neighborhood or riding our bikes to the grocery store. How are you coping with Covid-19? So far so good, whats next?
My children from Left to right: Serena age 13, Cousin Grace (center)
Athena age 11 (black coat)
Amber age 19…My kids are my Life (another post on this soon)