Does Being Vegan Make You Mentally Stable?
I have been practicing Veganism for 1.5 months now and I must admit, I feel really good, physically and above all…mentally! Does being vegan make you mentally stable? My veganism has been a rewarding experience! Let me start by saying I do not miss meat. When I used to barbecue, I always got turned off seeing the blood draining off the pork chops and ribs. Although I thoroughly washed it off..I still saw it. The smell of raw meat was not nice either! If we weren’t making every meal with some meat involved, It was not considered a full meal! Now that I deleted meat out of my diet…I feel less guilty of eating those poor animals. I know this sounds weird…but my mind feels free. Did I mention Vegan food is really good? You can make some tasty recipes that are easy.
Healthy Mind
Nothing compares to having a healthy mind! My mind feels less cluttered and clean. I seem to focus better and have more creativity! I would like to know if other Vegans have experienced this? Vegans need to make sure to take their daily supplements such as Vitamin D3, B12 and amino acids. It’s vitally important because it replaces the nutrients we are not getting from our vegan diet. A great thing about a well-balanced vegan diet is that it is full of “superfoods” like berries and nuts which are known to be totally beneficial for mental functioning. Also, since I am not contributing to the killing of animals, feeling invigorated and compassionate has been my way of life! I would definitely say that being vegan does make you mentally stable in some way or another.
Being Mindful As A Vegan Now
Veganism is about diet and not eating meats, cheese, dairy or their byproducts, but it actually goes much farther then that! As a consumer, we also take into account the decisions of what products we use and buy. Our intention is to make sure we are not contributing to products that are made with the killing or harming of animals. We love animals and feel their pain. For me, even the thought of eating honey is not good, and I loved honey! Just the other day their was a huge spider on the side of my home and I was going to leave it there unharmed, only to find out that my husband had killed it! I was distraught. lol. That might sound silly to some people, but it deserved to live too! It had spun the most fascinating web I had ever seen! Their are many vegan products on the market that we can contribute too and feel good about.
So, If your thinking about going Vegan…please do your research and ask your doctor first. Veganism is not for everyone and I believe everything happens for a reason. I do know that I am mentally happy and feel a lot healthier with a ton of energy! Being vegan has made me mentally stable.
My Top 5 Beauty Secrets To Looking Younger
Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Look how smooth my face looks!
In amazement, I have been told a number of times over the years from friends and family that I look younger then my age and they wondered what was I doing? I was straightforward with them and told them the exact things that I was doing! These are the 5 steps that have kept me young all these years! (I will not disclose my *These are my opinions only*
Top 5 Beauty Secrets
- I use Aztec Secret healing Clay 3-4 times a week. Firstly, It has reduced my pores significantly and keeps my skin looking smooth even without foundation, which I seldom wear. It’s a deep pore cleanser with natural calcium bentonite clay. It clears away all the leftover dead skin and impurities. Secondly, it’s not just for facials but also used for body wraps, clay baths, foot soaks, hair masks, chilled clay knee packs, insect bites & more! It’s best used with a little bit of apple cider vinegar. You can mix a little water in it as well.
- I get a good amount of sleep….If my mind and body are telling me to take a break…I listen and will even take a cat nap to recharge my energy levels. Get your rest, sleep in a couple of days a week. Sleep!
- I drink water all day long, no sodas for me. No Alchohol either…*sorry guys! lol
- I put a fair amount of veggies into my body, especially carrots because it contains beta carotenes which reduces skin inflammation and slows the aging process. Carrots also make your teeth look white! I am vegan so no dairy or meat for me! Check out all the benefits of eating carrots:
- Last but least, I pray and meditate daily for 20-30 minutes. I use breathing techniques which has helped me ease my anxiousness, stress and improve my mental & physical health. It helps me to stay focused on my vision and goals. One huge secret for me has been via praying. I don’t just pray…but I actually cry out to God and thank him constantly throughout the day. I believe with all my heart that he loves that, and in return that brings me joy. Try doing these 5 steps for at least 2 weeks and come back and tell me how you feel physically and mentally. I would love to hear how it helped you? Can you guess my age?