How To Overcome Fear and Get What You Want
How to overcome fear and get what you want. As I was thinking about this past year and how crazy it has all been, German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche popped up in my feed and reminded me of something “That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.” There had been so much fear in the beginning of 2020. I had just lost my job and was struggling to get unemployment. It was battle after battle and I almost gave up. It wasn’t until I truly decided that their has to be a better way….and a better way their was!
Punch fear in the face & form new habits
A dramatic shift took place and my outlook on life was fresh and brand new. There was nobody that could change my situation, except for me. I took control and became a warrior! My sorrow became strength and I started improving myself on all levels. I no longer leaned on my own understanding, but instead got on my knees and began asking my higher power-God, to please help me. With each passing day, I continued to do this and the days got bigger and brighter. The fear was gone.
I formed new habits and had a strong urge to learn and gain knowledge. The internet and books were my best friends. I focused on the things that brought me joy. Peace came into my home, and I felt like I could conquer anything that came my way. Even the kind of music I loved listening to changed. Suddenly, I found myself listening to classical and tropical cafe music. My family probably thought I was losing it, but in a good way. My parents definitely saw the change in me, and I saw the change in them myself, because they were no longer worrying for me.
The Internet and books were my best friends. Have positive vibes & challenge yourself -overcome fear
As I dove into learning on a daily basis, my confidence level went through the roof. hahaha. I really felt like I could do anything. The secret was to just have faith in myself and trust the process. You can do whatever you set your mind to and guess what, it worked. The more I read everyday I learned new skills such as SEO, (search engine optimization) HTML, metatags, strategies and tips to rank your site high. Their was a sense of accomplishment and my mindset became stronger. Our brains are a muscle and when we work them out, they become stronger. Everything was going well for me and it all fell into place, because of my faith. Overcome fear!
Be of service to others
With all this positive flow going on, I told myself “I want to inspire people to overcome their battles and demons too” because this is what helped me. How can I do this? It started with ideas then moved on to many late nights listening to tutorials and watching webinars and doing online challenges with some amazing people, which I call my mentors. A momentum started building up and kept on going and it hasn’t stopped. I got rid of all the people on my social media who were not building me up and kept the ones who added value to me.
You are stronger then you think
This is just the beginning of the journey and it’s getting better everyday. A big secret is to just let go of the past and accept the new. Start trusting what lies ahead of you and have faith that God is leading and taking you where you need to go. Don’t be afraid to punch fear in the face, because fear is not our friend. What we endure in the past can only lead us to be stronger for the future. The pain and suffering we experience is meant to strengthen us and prepare us for a higher level. So, Don’t you dare give up on me my friend. We need you more then you know.
How To Develop Self-Discipline With Fervor
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to always have success come easy for them and others do not? How do you develop self-discipline with fervor? Well, I wanted to know what it was that they were doing and I wasn’t! I researched the most successful people on the web and came to the conclusion that it was a matter of self-discipline, breaking bad habits, taking action and trusting the process along the way. It was when I discovered what I really wanted for my life, my fervor (passion) became intense. There were so many things that I wanted to accomplish and I wasn’t about to let anything stand in my way. It was then when I realized why in the hell (excuse my pun) did I wait so long to do this?
Prayer N Hustle white hoodie shirt by cleanlifeclothing Can I Still Do This?
I wondered if it was still possible and only if I would of opened up my eyes sooner. I pondered and had several options to choose from. Did I just want to be average and live from day to day not being content? Or, did I want to make a difference in my life and others and have impact on those who knew me? What do you think was the answer? You guessed it, to make a difference in the world and be a positive influence for others to see and follow.
I thought many times, what If I fail and become an embarrassment? I would not know unless I really wholeheartedly tried. That’s the thing, so many successful people failed numerous times, but they never gave up! Never. They had many no’s and doors shut in their faces, but they kept on going because they were determined. With that determination, eventually came the little successes, more yes’s and open doors of opportunity.
How to develop self-discipline with fervor
These are my top 10 strategies that have helped me become the person that I am today. I AM….
- Wake up being grateful-I can’t stress enough how important this is. All Successful achievers have practiced this!
- Have a clean mind-Your mindset is powerful and what you put it in matters. Your mind is connected to your heart and gut so keep it clean.
- Know your weaknesses/temptations and notice the triggers that try to sway you. If it sways you, it’s the wrong way!
- If you feel intense about something in a good way, go with it and don’t ignore it. It wants to help and improve you.
- Set realistic goals and build on them. Eventually you will be check boxing them off one by one.
- Eat healthy- you are what you eat. Eating healthy will give you energy to tackle the day with solitude and vigor.
- Don’t be discouraged and never give up! Things take time, trust the process and keep going.
- Stay focused and keep away from distractions. When your working, try to refrain from browsing social media, unless it’s important! Put the phone down ladies and gents.
- Don’t worry about your competitors, their is plenty of success to go around for everyone. This should be the least of your worries!
- Pray, Pray and Pray. Your higher power hears you and your time will come if you just believe. Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
You Have Come A Long Way Darling!
Okay, so have I always been like this? Well, I would be lying if I told you yes. The answer is no! After many years of soul searching and experiences, this is where it led me. There are no regrets because I got taught many lessons along my journey and I loved myself enough to make a change. One thing I do have to say is I believe in supporting other like minded woman. I don’t believe in jealousy because we all have something to bring to the table. I am more then happy to share my ideas and secrets. All you have to do is ask, and I will reciprocate with joy and excitement because what I’m doing thus so far is working for me, and I’m grateful and blessed. In the end, how to develop self-discipline with fervor became so easy for me. All you have to do is be your beautiful authentic self darling, because you are powerful.